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What Qualifies as Solicitation of a Minor?

Solicitation of a minor is a significant legal issue with serious implications. In Florida, as in other jurisdictions, this offense involves engaging in certain types of conduct directed toward minors that are deemed illegal. Understanding what constitutes solicitation of a minor is crucial, particularly for those managing the criminal defense system.

This article will explore the nature of this crime, relevant legal definitions, and how it affects both the accused and the legal process.

Understanding Solicitation of a Minor

In Florida, solicitation of a minor generally involves encouraging or attempting to engage a minor in illegal activities, often of a sexual nature. The Florida Statutes provide a detailed description of this crime. The key elements usually include an adult attempting to persuade or coerce a minor into committing an illegal act. This can involve direct communication, such as through messaging or phone calls, or indirect methods, such as through intermediaries.

Legal Definitions in Florida

Florida Statutes, specifically Section 847.0135, outlines solicitation of a minor. According to the statute, it’s unlawful for an adult to use any form of communication to solicit or entrap a minor for sexual activity. This statute includes attempts to meet a minor for sexual purposes, sending sexually explicit material to a minor, or even offering to meet a minor in person for sexual purposes.

Key Elements of Solicitation

For a charge of solicitation of a minor, several critical elements must be proven:

  1. Communication: There must be evidence of communication between the adult and the minor. This can be via text messages, phone calls, or online interactions.

  2. Intent: The adult must have had the intent to engage in illegal activity with the minor. This intent is often inferred from the nature of the communication.

  3. Minor status: The person targeted must be legally classified as a minor, typically under the age of 18.

  4. Content of communication: The content must be specific to illegal activities, particularly sexual.

The Role of Criminal Defense

Facing charges of solicitation of a minor requires a thorough understanding of both the law and defense strategies. Criminal defense plays a crucial role in these cases, as it involves protecting the rights of the accused and challenging the evidence presented by the prosecution. The defense may involve proving that there was no intent to engage in illegal activities or that the communication was misinterpreted.

Defending Against Solicitation Charges

Criminal defense in solicitation cases can take various forms:

  • Challenging evidence: The defense might challenge the evidence used to support the claim, arguing that it’s insufficient or misinterpreted.

  • Proving lack of intent: The defense could demonstrate that the accused had no intention of engaging in illegal activities with the minor.

  • Questioning the minor’s age: The defense may scrutinize whether the minor was indeed underage at the time of the solicitation.

  • Contextualizing communication: Sometimes, context matters. The defense might argue that the communication wasn’t intended to solicit illegal activities.

Potential Defenses

Several strategies can be employed in criminal defense to counter solicitation charges:

  1. False accusations: It’s possible that the accused is falsely accused due to misunderstandings or personal grievances.

  2. Miscommunication: The defense might argue that any communication that occurred was misinterpreted or taken out of context.

  3. Involuntary actions: The accused might claim that any actions or communications weren’t voluntary or were made under duress.

  4. Lack of evidence: Sometimes, the evidence provided by the prosecution may not be strong enough to support a conviction.

Legal Consequences

The consequences of being convicted of solicitation of a minor in Florida are severe. Penalties can include lengthy prison sentences, significant fines, and mandatory registration as a sex offender. These repercussions can have long-lasting effects on an individual’s life, impacting future employment, personal relationships, and overall reputation.

Arrest and Initial Charges

The legal process typically begins with an arrest. Once law enforcement officials believe there is sufficient evidence, they may arrest the individual suspected of solicitation. During the arrest, it's crucial for the accused to remain calm and avoid making any statements that could be used against them later. After the arrest, the accused will be formally charged, and the details of these charges will be presented.


The arraignment is the first court appearance after the arrest. During this stage, the accused will be formally read the charges against them and asked to enter a plea. The options usually include guilty, not guilty, or no contest. For those facing solicitation of a minor charges, entering a not guilty plea often leads to the next phase of the legal process, where the case will be further examined.

The Impact of a Conviction

A conviction for solicitation of a minor carries serious long-term implications:

  • Employment: Individuals with a conviction may find it challenging to secure employment, particularly in fields that require background checks.

  • Reputation: A criminal record can significantly affect one’s reputation in the community.

  • Social Stigma: The stigma associated with being labeled a sex offender can lead to social ostracism and personal isolation.

Importance of Legal Representation

Having skilled legal representation is crucial in cases of solicitation of a minor. Criminal defense attorneys bring valuable experience and knowledge to the table, helping to manage the intricacies of the legal system and advocate effectively on behalf of the accused. They work to mitigate the impact of the charges and provide a robust defense strategy.

Each stage of the process presents unique challenges, and having a knowledgeable attorney can make a significant difference. A skilled child molestation attorney will guide the accused through each stage, from the initial arrest to the final verdict, and work to achieve the best possible outcome.

Criminal defense attorneys offer crucial support throughout the legal process. They help develop a strong defense strategy, challenge evidence, and advocate effectively in court. Their role is essential in making sure that the accused receives a fair trial and that their rights are protected at every stage of the legal process.

Choosing a Criminal Defense Attorney

When choosing a criminal defense attorney for a solicitation of a minor case, consider the following factors:

  1. Experience: Look for attorneys with a proven track record in handling similar cases.

  2. Reputation: A solid reputation can indicate reliability and effectiveness in the courtroom.

  3. Communication: Effective communication between the attorney and the client is essential for building a strong defense.

  4. Strategy: Check that the attorney has a clear strategy for addressing the charges and defending against them.

Contact a Reputable Criminal Defense Attorney.

Understanding what qualifies as solicitation of a minor is essential for managing the legal system in Florida. The nature of these charges is serious, and the consequences of a conviction can be severe. Criminal defense plays a critical role in addressing these charges, providing strategies to counteract the accusations, and working to minimize the impact on the accused’s life.

For anyone facing such charges, seeking competent legal representation is crucial. A skilled criminal defense attorney can provide valuable guidance, advocate on behalf of the accused, and work to achieve the best possible outcome in a challenging situation. Being informed and prepared is the first step toward addressing solicitation of a minor charges effectively and responsibly.

When you need an attorney you can depend on for experienced representation, turn to Orlando Defense.

We serve clients throughout Orange County including Apopka, Bay Lake, Belle Isle, Bithlo, Christmas, Eatonville, Edgewood, Lake Buena Vista, Maitland, Oakland, Ocoee, Orlando, Plymouth, Tangerine, Winter Garden, Winter Park, and Zellwood in Orange County. We also service Osceola County which includes Celebration, Kissimmee, Poinciana, Buenaventura Lakes, Narcoossee, Campbell City, Intercession City, St. Cloud, St. Cloud Manor, and Yeehaw Junction.